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【蝙谜安利】Run Riddler Run

发现了本官漫名字叫Run Riddler Run

一位叫Donna DiForza 的女士有个将哥谭建造为零犯罪的乌托邦的计划,计划是拆掉一罪犯与非法居民的房子建新哥谭这个计划深深地吸引了布鲁斯。结果他们就被谜谜打断了(这里对谜谜的形容是he pulls a ribbon to undress one of the women present.等等,谜谜你不是在解人家妹子裙带吗?为何冲过来打断老爷和DiForza共商大计,是看见布鲁斯就觉得脱妹子裙子没意义了吗2333)迷迷就解释说他被假释啦,DiForza雇佣他做安全顾问。老爷面对前罪犯心情复杂(轻视),但是为了哥谭新计划忍了(于是在Donna DiForza 的牵线搭桥下,两人的和蜜(合)月(作)就开始。

当晚老爷就加入了新哥谭拆迁计划,他告诉那非法住户,他们违反了法律和罪犯的行为是相同的。钉子户方的领头Roberta Cifuentes表示他们不是毒贩子,只是一群想要生存的人。正在此时,一场突如其来的爆炸发生了。几乎所有都在逃,但Roberta Cifuentes冲去救一个小孩,我们善良的黑骑士自然就跟过去了。然后房子就很套路地塌了,是一个正穿着机器人战甲的人搞事的人救了他们,那个人来自于一个叫做完美安全的组织。(吐槽一下Perfect Security这个名字蠢爆啦)

DiForza 看到谜谜设计的安全系统就暴怒了,因为我们谜就按照他的犯罪套路设计了安全机关,搞出一堆谜语,解不出来就会被鲨鱼吃。(我觉得挺可爱的呀,很有谜式风格),但是DiForza就觉得没用还烧钱,好好的安全系统被谜谜搞成个游戏,即使谜谜辩解这不是游戏,DiFroza弄错了重点,然而审美e-的DiFroza威胁谜谜要把他解雇。谜谜走后,一个叫Fritz Olmstedt 走进来,这人来头可大了,是完美安全组织的首领。 两人共商大计,Fritz坚信谜谜是个阻碍。

之后布鲁斯就和DiForza 与 Mayor Lieberman会面了试图阻碍新哥谭计划的人。 DiForza进行传教,承诺新哥谭会让大家都变得更好,Cifuentes告诉记者她被一个完美安全计划的人攻击了(妹子聪明完美识破屋子忽然坍塌假救人的阴谋),老爷觉得DiForza的计划太暴力,而且Fritz是斯塔西(世界上最有效率的情报和秘密警察机构之一)的秘密警察。Fritz就放出大招,邀请蝙蝠去游泳,身为哥谭炮王的蝙蝠自然不会放过和美女调情的机会的。


戈登告诉蝙蝠完美安全组织已经打入GCPD内部了蝙蝠,蝙蝠告诉戈登Olmstedt是个罪犯。蝙蝠返回出租屋,完美安全组织中有个人在破坏建筑,他在房顶上开了个洞,使房屋不能居住。 蝙蝠用蝙蝠镖和小炸弹攻击,结果他把小炸弹一扔竟然引发了巨大的爆炸,把里面的人杀了,蝙蝠惊呆了(夭寿啦,老爷杀人啦)



Fritz 把录像给戈登,说蝙蝠是个杀人犯,戈登和Fritz争论,但Lieberman相信蝙蝠是个罪犯。戈登说蝙蝠是对谜谜发来的信息做出反应,Olmstedt 读出了迷迷和蝙蝠合伙了的信息(戈登你坑队友啊喂),Fritz就派出了残暴的拷问狂魔去找谜谜,这些被派出去的人精通折磨拷问法,和gunning down bystanders不太清楚意思,大概就枪杀无辜的人逼供法吧(这段我都脑补了一个蝙蝠来晚了,谜谜被折磨,最后蝙蝠把重伤的谜抱回蝙蝠洞的梗。)

之后在一位神秘的律师,其实就是布鲁斯的帮助下,Cifuentes被释放了。 Cifuentes返回拆迁项目与新哥谭对抗,她打算挖掘建筑被炸毁的真相,布鲁斯现身劝她停止,但是她拒绝。布鲁斯问她为什么要如此努力地拯救那些没救(原文形容为cancerous)的邻居,她说这不是为了那些罪犯公正,是为了社会公正。布鲁斯认为DiForza无法控制Fritz ,Olmstedt Fritz 横插一脚, 并且已经知道帮助Roberta Cifuentes 逃脱的人是他了。Cifuentes拿着一把假枪走进建筑组织更大的抗议活动。


完美安全组织先到了,他们准备枪杀迷迷并一以迷迷抵抗逮捕为罪名脱罪,蝙蝠及时赶到救了迷迷,蝙蝠开着蝙蝠车带着迷迷风驰电掣地逃跑了,并且把迷迷带到了一个仓库,迷迷表示他有Fritz受贿的录像,但是没想好用什么谜语把信息送给蝙蝠. 蝙蝠被有毒的谜语强迫症气炸直接留下谜谜一个人走了233333

完美安全组织的人计划要朝抗议者开火,蝙蝠让戈登控制住 Olmstedt ,他要让 DiForza和Cifuentes.会个面。DiForza 因为布鲁斯和 Cifuentes合作了气疯了, 但是她同意会面。. Fritz竭力反对DiForza赴约,DiForza威胁Fritz再干涉她的行为,她就要调查Fritz在斯塔西的过去。

谜谜给丑爷打了个电话,和丑爷吹嘘他和蝙蝠侠在一起了2333(原文用了hang out,我去查了hang out的意思 hang out表示和朋友一起,不需要逛,也不需要做什么,只需要是在一起,重点在"在一起",不在"做事情,总觉得谜谜故意刺激丑爷,太坏啦,丑爷可是粉丝图团长啊)蝙蝠侠返回取回他 。谜谜承诺他什么都没偷,因为他不想摧毁成为蝙蝠的sidekick的乐趣(sidesick有好多个意思,有死党,助手和同事,我的理解是好基友)." Fritz 决定完全背叛DiForza, 同时让完美安全准备战争。

Donna DiForza 和Roberta Cifuentes 最终会面了。她们打算彼此退步打成协议。然而,完美安全在墙上打出一个洞同时攻击。 Fritz说他将利用DiForza做为牺牲品。他将告诉所有人她被绑架了,他杀了绑架者因为绑架者拒绝被捕,然后损害她的大脑让她说不出话。蝙蝠侠滑过来救了DiForza. 她们试图逃走,蝙蝠侠独自与Fritz战斗。 谜语人也被士兵们狩猎了,谜谜选择了一个隐蔽的地点躲藏, 他没有意识到黑暗中的火车轨。蝙蝠侠扔 Fritz去救谜谜, 生气地陈述他做这些是因为他需要谜谜。谜谜说无论不蝙蝠做什么都能给他带来太多的乐趣了。(蝙蝠又英雄救美了,还说做这些是因为我需要你!我的天,那么坦诚的蝙蝠,这对蝙蝠来说都得上表白了。谜谜的回应也很经典,你不管做什么我都甘之若饴)

蝙蝠被火车撞击,死去,Fritz 拿起了他破烂的斗篷(为了救谜语蝙蝠被火车撞死了呜呜呜,虽说我觉得是假死,但是蝙蝠愿意舍命救谜语,太感人啦以及这个故事告诉我们秀恩爱要分清时间地点与场合,不然fff团会随时化为一辆火车撞过来)



以下附英文原版(搬运自DC wiki)

The socialite Donna DiForza talks to Bruce Wayne at a party. DiForza plans to demolish several miles of housing projects, and replace them with a facility called "New Gotham." This will be a giant complex with corporate offices, high end retail, and new cleaner housing. She describes it as a community "free of crime" thanks to their private security force. This intrigues Bruce. DiForza asks for his help in relocating the "criminals" and "squatters" who occupy these tenements. They are interrupted by the Riddler, who pulls a ribbon to undress one of the women present. The Riddler explains that he is on parole, and DiForza hired him as a security consultant. Bruce despises the Riddler, but he agrees to support New Gotham.

That night, Batman enters the housing projects. He tells the residents that by squatting they are breaking the law, and that makes them criminals. Their community leader is a woman named Roberta Cifuentes. She tells him that they are not crack dealers, but just people trying to survive. There is an explosion in the building, and Cifuentes believes this was an attack. Everybody rushes out of the fire, but Cifuentes runs to save a child and Batman follows her. The building collapses on top of them. They are rescued by a man in a robotic exo-skeleton, who is part of a group called "Perfect Security."

DiForza is furious when she sees how the Riddler has been spending her money. Instead of designing a security system that will keep everyone out, he created a life-threatening puzzle that must be solved to enter. It is a network of sliding ramps above a tank filled with sharks. The Riddler treats this as a game, and tells her she is missing the point. DiForza threatens to fire him and speak to his parole officer if he does not give her what she wants. The Riddler leaves. Fritz Olmstedt walks in, head of Perfect Security. Donna and Fritz are trying to keep a secret. Fritz believes the Riddler is a liability.

Alfred Pennyworth prepares Bruce for a press conference with DiForza and Mayor Lieberman. They are met by angry protesters who demand housing. DiForza insists that this demolition is for their own good. They will be allowed to stay in New Gotham if their lifestyle meets New Gotham standards. These protesters rush the stage, and Cifuentes tries to speak to reporters. She is blasted by a member of Perfect Security, and the protesters disperse. Bruce tells Donna that her security is too violent. It is revealed that Fritz Olmstedt used to be a Stasi agent. Donna insists she is trying to give him a chance at a better life. Donna flirts with Bruce and they go swimming together.

The Riddler sends Batman a note through Commissioner Gordon. It leads him to the tenements, where Perfect Security is planning something else. Cifuentes lends her car to a friend and it explodes. They arrest her for possessing explosives. Batman tries to fight them, but they are too strong. The police arrive and they side with Perfect Security, taking Cifuentes into custody. Batman urges her not to resist, and she calls him naive for believing the justice system will be fair to her. Gordon tells Batman that Perfect Security has been deputized into the GCPD. Batman vows to prove that Olmstedt is a criminal.

Batman returns to the tenements, where a lone member of Perfect Security is destroying a building. He is shooting holes in the roof to get the building condemned. Batman attacks using batarangs and smoke bombs to disorient the soldier. He throws a small bomb to damage the suit, but there is a large explosion that kills the man inside. Batman is horrified. The Riddler gleefully watches on a monitor. Donna DiForza finally fires the Riddler for incompetence. The button she presses to call security dumps him outside the building through a trap door. The Riddler remarks that he has only begun playing games, and this is going to be fun.

Batman is shocked by the sudden death of the man he was fighting. The other members of Perfect Security descend on him with their exo-skeletons and attack. They try to arrest Batman, as they have this "murder" on video tape. Bruce returns to Wayne Manor, where Alfred agrees that Batman must lay low for awhile.

Fritz Olmstedt, leader of Perfect Security, shows this video to Commissioner Gordon and Mayor Lieberman. Gordon argues with them, but Lieberman agrees that Batman is a criminal. Gordon tells them that Batman was simply responding to a message sent by the Riddler. Olmstedt runs a smear campaign in the news, suggesting that Batman and the Riddler are in cahoots. Perfect Security begins brutally interrogating criminals to locate the Riddler. This includes torturing suspects and gunning down bystanders.

Roberta Cifuentes avoids prison when a mysterious benefactor, clearly Bruce Wayne, covers her legal fees. She returns to the housing projects so she can organize a demonstration against New Gotham. They plan to occupy one of the buildings scheduled for demolition. Batman arrives and asks her to stop, but Roberta refuses. Batman asks why she is trying so hard to save a cancerous neighborhood. Roberta replies that this is not about criminal justice, it is about social justice. Bruce Wayne cautions Donna DiForza that she cannot control Fritz Olmstedt. Fritz bursts in, and demands that they figure out who got Cifuentes released. Roberta Cifuentes uses a fake gun to get into the building, and stages a massive protest.

The Riddler sends a video to the news explaining that Batman has been framed for murder. He gives a riddle that sends Batman around the city trying to find him. The Riddler worries that he will be found and killed by Fritz before Batman can solve the riddles. Batman calls the Riddler, and asks him to just say where he is. The Riddler angrily refuses, insisting that this would not be any fun. Perfect Security arrives first, with plans to shoot the Riddler and claim he was "resisting arrest." Batman arrives just in time to save the Riddler. They escape in the Batmobile, and he takes the Riddler to a warehouse. The Riddler reveals that he has incriminating tapes of Fritz. However, he cannot figure out a suitable riddle for giving them to Batman. Batman leaves the Riddler to go to the protest.

Perfect Security marches through the police officers, intending to open fire on the protesters. Batman tells Gordon to hold Olmstedt off while he arranges a meeting between DiForza and Cifuentes. DiForza is outraged that Bruce helped Cifuentes, but she agrees to the meeting. Fritz has a huge argument with DiForza, and she threatens to launch an investigation into his Stasi past.

The Riddler calls Joker on the phone to brag about hanging out with Batman. Batman returns to retrieve him. The Riddler promises he didn't steal anything, because that would ruin the fun of being "Batman's sidekick." Fritz decides to completely disobey DiForza, and has Perfect Security prepare for war.

Donna DiForza and Roberta Cifuentes finally meet. They are both prepared to make compromises. However, Perfect Security blows a hole in the wall and attacks. Fritz explains that he will use her as a martyr for the cause. He will tell everyone that she was kidnapped, slaughter the kidnappers when they "resist arrest," and give her brain damage so she cannot tell the world. Batman swings through and rescues DiForza. They try to escape as the tenements collapse around them. Batman personally gets into a fight with Fritz. The Riddler is also hunted down by these soldiers. He chooses a hiding spot under a fallen object, and doesn't realize in the dark that he is on elevated train tracks. Batman leaves Fritz to save the Riddler, angrily stating that this is because he needs the Riddler. The Riddler replies that Batman would do this no matter what, and that's what makes him so much fun. Batman is apparently hit and killed by the train. Fritz holds up his tattered cape.




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